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Category Archives: computers
busy day. total insanity at work as usual. this project is moving forward at 1000mph and it isn’t making any stops along the way. Found this interesting today. This is the exact counter-intuitiveness one comes to expect with the telecoms … Continue reading
Posted in computers, general, insanity, work
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a lesson in changes
So I just spent the past ten hours diagnosing a problem with my mac mini’s ability to connect to my wireless network. Earlier today, out of nowhere (or so I thought) my mac was no longer able to connect to … Continue reading
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clear philadelphia
A few months back Clear, the WiMax 4G Joint-Venture between Sprint, Comcast and a host of other companies launched in the Philadelphia area claiming broadband speeds up to 4X faster than the cell phone companies. Given that neither Comcast High-speed, … Continue reading
eric schmidt is an idiot
Ok… I know I am a bit late to the party with this, but it’s been a busy week. Give me a break and let me get my jabs in… Article: Facebook and Google Contrasts in Privacy “If you have … Continue reading
Posted in computers, insanity, privacy
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the end of “anonymous coward?”
Article: Yahoo: Now Accepting Facebook ID (Business Week) Conceding to the ubiquity of Facebook as the default form of identity on the Web while helping further it, Yahoo announced a partnership with the social network on Wednesday that will enable … Continue reading
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the internet and your health
Article: Homebound flu victims could stymie Internet A Government Accountability Office report, released Oct. 26, says the Internet could slow dramatically if worker absenteeism reached 40 percent – a reasonable speculation for a severe flu outbreak, the report said. … … Continue reading
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the cloud?
Earlier today I read an article in Business Week entitled “Hacking for Dummies.” (Please forgive the inaccurate use of the word.) The article discussed how easy and cheap it is for anyone to “rent a botnet” for the day and … Continue reading
Posted in computers