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Monthly Archives: November 2009
quickly now, spend!
Happy Black Friday everyone. Do your part to stimulate our grossly mis-informed measurement of the economy by spending your money on all those door-buster sales!
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to crash a state dinner
The cable news media was domonated this morning with the story about a couple who “crashed” a White House state dinner this past Tuesday. First off, if this is true, it speaks volumes about the security practices currently in place. … Continue reading
Posted in government, insanity
healthcare commentary
I just read an interesting passage in The Undercover Economist which directly applies to the current healthcare debate even though it was published back in 2005. Hartford, the book’s author, describes the current failure of the “free market” in providing … Continue reading
Posted in economics, government
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history books
Do you ever wonder what school children will read in history textbooks 50 years from now? Will they actually call this the Great Recession and outline the programs put in place by the Bush/Obama administrations aimed at restarting lending (TALF), … Continue reading
Posted in books, economics, government, history
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what really grinds my gears
Earlier today I had the lovely experience of being hit by a man on a mountain bike as I walked to work. Now, I would understand if this happened while I was in a cross-walk and an aggressive messenger trying … Continue reading
Posted in cycling, philly
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donations reduce national debt?
Article: Donating this year? Uncle Same needs your help’ Under a little-known law enacted in 1961, Uncle Sam accepts tax-deductible contributions to pay down the country’s debt. Let me just start out by saying, are you #$@*ing kidding me!? Apparently … Continue reading
Posted in government
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inane questions
Sometimes I find myself asking inane questions, like; When car companies make a commercial comparing their car with another car, do they pay MSRP for the other car? Do they just walk into the dealer and pay whatever they ask? … Continue reading
Posted in insanity
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